Mission and Goals
The Mission of the Columbia State Community College MLT Program is to produce knowledgeable, competent, compassionate, professional Medical Laboratory Technicians.
Fulfillment of the MLT Programs Mission will be based on the following goals and outcomes based on student achievement.
Goal 1: Students will demonstrate knowledge consistent with the pathology of the field.
1.1 Students will recognize a pathology and the corresponding test results.
1.2 Students will communicate tests results to diverse healthcare team members.
1.3 Students will apply knowledge to laboratory skills required in a clinical setting.
Goal 2: Students will demonstrate competence in the field of Laboratory Medicine.
2.1 Students will perform laboratory testing with precision and accuracy.
2.2 Students will perform practice lab competency testing with precision and accuracy.
2.3 Students will comply with safety and governmental regulations.
2.4 Students will possess basic entry-level skills of a Medical Laboratory Technician.
Goal 3: Students will emulate the professional standards of the laboratory field.
3.1 Students will abide by the ASCP Code of Professional Behavior.
3.2 Students will adhere to medical facility guidelines.
3.3 Students will adopt positive working attitudes aligned with facilities mission and goals.
3.4 Students will respond appropriately to healthcare team members with respect.
Goal 4: Graduates will contribute to the needs of the Medical Laboratory field.
4.1 Admitted students will successfully complete the MLT Program.
4.2 Graduates will pass a nationally recognized laboratory exam resulting in certification.
4.3 Graduates will acquire a position as a Medical Laboratory technician.
4.4 Graduates will express satisfaction with the educational experience.
4.5 Employers will express satisfaction with graduates as entry-level MLT's.
The MLT program mission and goals is consistent with the mission and goals of the college. Achievement of the goals is measured by the Outcomes Assessment plan completed annually.