Program Participation Benefits for Faculty

In the Classroom:

  • In an honors environment, a faculty member or instructor can have more engaging, area-specific work rather than “more” of the same work assigned to non-honors students.
  • In subsections, where there would be about five to ten students engaged in individual study agreements with faculty/instructor, smaller focused projects can be explored along with deeper individual studies.
  • In larger scale classes, the faculty/instructor can explore more engaging teaching methods and attempt larger scale projects, such as research for national programs, class-wide mock trials and role plays, and other activities that would be unwieldy in a standard classroom environment.

On a Professional Level:

  • Participation in the Honors program – whether it is a class or subsection – would provide faculty/instructor with the opportunity to create new material and course structures. This is highly desirable for tenure and promotion purposes.
  • Depending upon the field, an honors class may also further research, and faculty/instructor and students may find themselves presenting this information at conferences.