Endowment Opportunities

Program Endowments
When you create an endowment, a support is put into place that helps develop and grow the program for the instruction of students in that particular area. Whether it is an existing program or a new one made possible by the Arts and Technology Building, a program endowment is important to continued success.
rendering of art and design lab
Student Scholarship Endowments

Scholarships are more than financial support – often, they encourage retention, relieve a stress and help students focus to keep moving to completion. We have heard students express gratitude for those that provided scholarships and their desire to pay it forward someday.

three students at graduation
Building Endowment
Williamson County has a beautiful, new campus and endowments for the buildings help keep an environment conducive to learning. In addition, endowments help provide facilities that house current technology and other equipment to train and produce graduates ready for the next step into the workforce or for transfer to the university.
rendering of building side

Ways to Support

Name a seat in the FIS   Naming & Endowment Opportunities   To Make a Direct Donation


Contact Bethany Lay, blay@columbiastate.edu or 931.540.2512, to discuss naming opportunities



Foundation Office
Columbia Campus, Pryor 113
1665 Hampshire Pike
Columbia, TN 38401
Williamson Campus Arts & Technology Building
1228 Liberty Pike
Franklin, TN 27067