
The ReCharge Program has been created specifically for students who may require extra resources and support. It is a one-day workshop where students will meet with a team of individuals who will provide participants with the tools necessary to succeed. Students will meet with an advisor to discuss their goals, roadblocks, and how Columbia State can help.  

Complete the registration form.

The Re-Charge program is two-fold:

(1) You must attend a two-hour group workshop this summer. At this specific workshop, we cover the following topics: ReCharge requirements, your SAP violation, SAP documentation; as well as, assist you with completing your SAP appeal and creating a Plan of Action.

These are the days and times:

Columbia Campus
  • Columbia Campus, Monday, July 15th, 1:00 p.m., (Library 209)
  • Columbia Campus, Monday, July 15th, 3:00 p.m., (Library 209)
  • Columbia Campus, Monday, July 15th, 5:00 p.m., (Library 209)
Franklin Campus
  • Franklin Campus, Tuesday, July 16th, 10:00 a.m., (Administration Bldg. Rm. 317)
  • Franklin Campus, Tuesday, July 16th, 2:00 p.m., (Administration Bldg. Rm. 317)

The seating for each workshop is limited. Please select one campus and one time that you can attend. The campus that you plan to take your classes does NOT have to be the same campus that you attend the Re-Charge Program.

(2) During the fall semester, there are workshops that you are required to review in the form of an Online Campus course. You will be required to review at least two of the workshops. You will receive information in September about this requirement.

Columbia State staff look forward to assisting you in meeting your educational goals. If you have questions or concerns, please email to

The Re-Charge Team