Columbia State Community College recently established a new scholarship endowment in memory of Marcus Magee.
Marcus Magee, director of IT, marketing systems, business intelligence and enterprise analytics at Tractor Supply Company, was integral in creating a partnership with Columbia State and TSC in order to promote and encourage students to pursue a career in the field of information technology. After his passing, his friends, family and community sought to create an endowed scholarship for Columbia State students to continue to pursue their goals in his memory.
“Mr. Magee encouraged students to pursue their goals and, as director of IT, marketing systems, business intelligence and enterprise analytics at Tractor Supply Company, helped promote opportunities for them by building partnerships with Columbia State,” said Bethany Lay, Columbia State vice president for Advancement and executive director of the Columbia State Foundation. “We are appreciative of family and friends creating the Marcus Magee Endowed Scholarship in his memory to continue encouraging students in the field of IT.”
The scholarship is for students in computer technology or a related field of study. It will help students participating in the capstone program as part of their studies.
The Columbia State Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization that supports and partners with the college to positively impact student success and the communities in which it serves.