Pryor Art Gallery Hosts Above & Beyond Exhibit Celebrating the Apollo 11 Moon Landing

(COLUMBIA, Tenn. – Oct. 3, 2019) - - - Columbia State Community College’s Pryor Art Gallery is hosting the “Above & Beyond” exhibit from NASA celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing now through Nov. 15. Chuck Schlemm, volunteer space exploration educator through the NASA Solar System Ambassador program, will give a presentation Oct. 24 at 4 p.m.
“The challenge to land a man on the moon was issued by President John F. Kennedy on May 25, 1961, and within 8 short years, on July 20, 1969, the challenge was realized as the astronauts of Apollo 11 landed and walked on the moon,” said Rusty Summerville, interim Pryor Art Gallery curator. “This, one of the great achievements in the history of mankind, demonstrates the resolute genius and determination of American scientists, engineers and the approximately 400,000 men and women who worked on this project. As a nation, we have much to be proud of.”
The 50th anniversary exhibit of Apollo 11 and the moon landing includes photos of and from the moon, murals of the moonscape and a life-size cut-out of Neil Armstrong.
Schlemm’s presentation will include models to show the kinds of Apollo spacecraft that were used to explore the moon and designs that are now planned to be used for the Artemis program to return Americans to the moon in 2024.
The exhibit and presentation is free and open to the public. The Pryor Art Gallery is in the Waymon L. Hickman Building on the Columbia Campus located at 1665 Hampshire Pike. For additional information about this exhibit, please visit For more information about the Pryor Art Gallery, contact Rusty Summerville at 931.540.2883 or