The Troubled History of Free Speech in American History
Professors Greg Mewbourn and Stuart Lenig will trace the problems in creating a uniquely free speech society and the limitations of such, such as
- yelling fire in a crowded theatre/limitations of free speech in the constitution and laws
- Shay’s rebellion in 1786/7
- the Richmond Bread Riots 1863
- New York City Draft Riots/1863
- the Wilmington Insurrection of 1898
- The Battle of Blair Mountain/1921
- Huey Long and the Share Our Wealth Society/1934
- The Battle of Athens in Athens TN/1946
- the growth of conspiracy and anti-government speech on non regulated websites 1995-2020
- and recent political candidates, office holders, and private citizens who have aroused violent and angry emotions in crowds from the Democratic party, the Republican party, Antifa, the anti fascist protest movement, and the Black Lives Matter Movement
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